Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blast It

Recently, I had been consumed by tonnes of assignment.
Lab reports, tutorials and
my most hated one: English assignments.

From the beginning of the semester, English has been a nightmare to me.
No it is not tough but it is frickin boring, and frickin troublesome.

We are doing our survey and have to prepare our questionnaires.
Well, my group, the Clear and Clear decided on the topic
"How much importance do teenagers place on physical importance"

And we designed a questionnaire which we have to let our classmates to 
try on.

Do you know how much time and energy and sweat and blood to complete this?

Well, we passed the forms to the others in our class.
Not long after they handed in the forms back to us.

With comments.
Some of the comments were pretty useful (Thanks for those who gave that)
Some were plain retards.

I do not know who is this but this is what 'it' wrote.

 5 minutes
- Some questions are too general-
- for scale it should better to put others or 0 cause not everyone agree with the
-Questions may go deeper
-Section D, question 18 & 19 is kind of related.
-Some question is related to others.

OMG, whart the heck does this whole thing meant was a total mystery to me.
Personally, I think that my questions were not too surface and general.
Come on. 
This is my questionnaire not yours.

And are you totally blind. 
"- for scale it should better to put others or 0 cause not everyone agree with the

For your blind eyes, when not everyone agrees, that exactly means disagree okae.
I did place a disagree for that, if you cannot see.
And, for the 0, I also placed a 0% too.

And what is the problem if the questions are related.
Do you suggest that I ask completely opposite questions everytime to confuse the

And since you are so helpful, do indicate which place I should improve on, not
just on the front page.
Thank you anyways for the comments.
Some it wasted 5 minutes of my precious time blogging this.

Recently, I have been really stressed to the last DNA hair strand.
So, I will be eaily triggered.
And, no it is not because of menopause.

And for the students og SMK Sri Sentosa reading this blog, the 
SPM certificate is out.
Go collect it.