Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 New Year

Hey, it is me again.
It is now 3 hours after the new year.
Everything is still fresh.
The fireworks.
The cheers.
The shouts and screams.

The reason I am posting this is to tell you guys about my new year's resolutions.
My past year's resolution are not broken though.
One of them is that I will 

This year, I want to:

Be diligent in what I do daily (e.g chores)
Learn to drive.
Talk less.
Focus more.
More independent.
Stop being a sleep junkie.
... and nocturnal. 
(This does not apply to New Years Day)

 Those reading my blog, please please remind me from time to time
about my resolutions and commitment to them.
I can easily make a promise and break them instantly.

Like for example, I can promise to bring a book and forgets it instantly.
(The example given above is just an illustration so DO NOT judge me harshly.)

Argh, I wonder can I stop being a total sleep junkie.
I mean, I love sleeping.
I ADORE sleeping.
In fact, my record for sleeping was waking up at 4 in the afternoon.
No, seriously.

Alarms cannot seem to help me.
There was once when my father went to China.
I wa home alone with my bro, and I have uniersity the next day.
The class starts at 9 in the morning and I woke up at 8.30 a.m.
Here is the catch, I go to university using the public transport (trains and buses)
and it takes about 1 to 2 hours of travelling time.

Guess what, I was late.
Furthermore, I have to spend 25 ringgit on the taxi fare.
(The taxi drivers at Semenyih and Kajang are cutthroat pirates)

That was the whole idea of placing that into my new years resolutions.

Alright folks, gotta grab some winkies.
Keep ya all updated on my RESOLUTION PROGRESSES.